A lot of marketers prefer creating audio products over writing ebooks and other written information base materials. The reason for this is very simple; CD series and MP3s are much easier and quicker to create as you don’t need to put everything into writing. You just have to speak your mind and share your knowledge by doing your recording. Depending on your topic and the length of your audio products, you can potentially create 2-5 units in just a matter of 24 hours.
Here’s how you can increase your audio business creation:
1. Carefully choose your topics. Go with topics that your potential clients will be willing to spend their hard-earned money on so you can easily sell your creations online. It would help if you can do a keyword research to figure out the most common or popular search terms within your niche or if you can send surveys to your opt-in list to determine the kind of information that your potential clients are looking for.
2. Do your research. Before you grab that microphone, I strongly suggest that you obtain more information about your chosen topic so you can make your audio products highly informative and more content-rich. Check out Google news, Yahoo! Answers, relevant forums and blogs, and other reputable sites like Wikipedia dot com.
3. Create a script or an outline. Ensure that your ideas will flow smoothly and that you’ll avoid long pauses and dead air by creating a script or an outline that can greatly help you all throughout the recording process. This can serve as your blueprint so stick to it as much as possible.
4. Make it personal. So as not to alienate your clients, ensure that you communicate your ideas using conversational tone. Be warm, upbeat, friendly, and spontaneous all throughout. Empathize when needed, insert appropriate humor every now and then, and don’t forget to ask questions once in a while to make your content sound more engaging.
5. Deliver quality content. Give your clients their money’s worth by ensuring that your audio products sound clear and crisp. They must also be loaded with valuable and useful information that your potential clients are looking for. In addition, they must be easy to understand, direct to the point, short, concise, and your ideas must flow smoothly to avoid confusing your listeners.