Revealed – 5 No-Brainer Ways to Increase Your Audio Business Creation

A lot of marketers prefer creating audio products over writing ebooks and other written information base materials. The reason for this is very simple; CD series and MP3s are much easier and quicker to create as you don’t need to put everything into writing. You just have to speak your mind and share your knowledge by doing your recording. Depending on your topic and the length of your audio products, you can potentially create 2-5 units in just a matter of 24 hours.

Here’s how you can increase your audio business creation:

1. Carefully choose your topics. Go with topics that your potential clients will be willing to spend their hard-earned money on so you can easily sell your creations online. It would help if you can do a keyword research to figure out the most common or popular search terms within your niche or if you can send surveys to your opt-in list to determine the kind of information that your potential clients are looking for.

2. Do your research. Before you grab that microphone, I strongly suggest that you obtain more information about your chosen topic so you can make your audio products highly informative and more content-rich. Check out Google news, Yahoo! Answers, relevant forums and blogs, and other reputable sites like Wikipedia dot com.

3. Create a script or an outline. Ensure that your ideas will flow smoothly and that you’ll avoid long pauses and dead air by creating a script or an outline that can greatly help you all throughout the recording process. This can serve as your blueprint so stick to it as much as possible.

4. Make it personal. So as not to alienate your clients, ensure that you communicate your ideas using conversational tone. Be warm, upbeat, friendly, and spontaneous all throughout. Empathize when needed, insert appropriate humor every now and then, and don’t forget to ask questions once in a while to make your content sound more engaging.

5. Deliver quality content. Give your clients their money’s worth by ensuring that your audio products sound clear and crisp. They must also be loaded with valuable and useful information that your potential clients are looking for. In addition, they must be easy to understand, direct to the point, short, concise, and your ideas must flow smoothly to avoid confusing your listeners.

Revealed – 4 Must-Know Secrets to Excel at Business Creation

It is no secret that creating and selling your very own products online is the best and most profitable way to make money over the World Wide Web. If you are still doing affiliate marketing or doing some ghostwriting gigs, let me help you jumpstart your business creation endeavor and empower you to easily excel in this field so you can quickly realize your financial freedom.

1. The first step that you need to do is research your niche. You will need to find out the inadequacies and gaps that you need to fill in so you can easily develop product ideas that can effectively address them. It would help if you can subscribe to relevant RSS feeds so you can get timely information that have direct impact on your chosen niche and if you can work closely with other experts.

2. Involve your potential clients. This is something that you must not put on the back seat as this is considered one of the most important elements of business creation. Spend some time with your potential clients either through your blogs or through forums and get to know what they might require from you. Jot down their pressing issues, their areas of interest, their aspirations, their burning questions, and the things that they would like to learn about. All of these can easily be converted to great product ideas. For instance, if you are targeting people who are deeply interested in learning tennis, you can create information base products that can supply them with all the information they need regarding this particular sport.

3. Determine the marketability of your product ideas. I am sure you would like to find out right away if your product ideas will sell like hotcakes online. This can be achieved by running surveys or polls on your website, blogs, and relevant forums. Ask your potential clients if they are willing to shell out money on your products ideas. Just make sure that your secure your ideas with a patent so they will not be stolen by your competitors.

4. Create your products. When developing your products, always keep in mind that your goal is to produce better products than competitors’ so you can set them apart from the rest. You will also need to consider the needs and demands of your potential clients and ensure that all the elements you are using are highly targeted to what they require from you.

New Business Creation: Increasing or Declining?

The question was recently posed to me, “Are there more businesses formed today than in years past, or less?” The answer is varied and depends on who you ask, and as important, what geographic area you are referring to. The local picture here in Orange County, California may be different than the national picture, and we also have to look at where the data comes from. Does filing a new DBA (doing business as) form constitute a “new business?” In many cases the answer is “no” since it can be a new (or additional) name of an existing business. Regardless of all that, let’s look at the overall picture, shall we?

One report from a company that sells “start up kits” reports, “an increase of 30% since the recession began in 2010. This shows that people want to have independence and in many cases create their own jobs by starting a new business. These new businesses tend to be startups just like the startups we teach about in our courses…” Is this report/ review biased? Without a doubt. They are using their slant and their product disguised as a press release to declare a jaded view of hard data. There is nothing wrong with that, companies do it all the time and it is a very useful way to utilize PR and media exposure.

The Kaufmann Foundation, one of the largest and most esteemed nonprofits that does many things- including reporting on new business creating- is very specific by stating that new business creation is higher in the West and the Southwest, as much as 12% higher than the rest of the nation. Another key statistic:

“Establishments owned by younger firms grow faster, on average, than those owned by older firms. However, many young firms close shortly after they open, so the job destruction rate is also higher for establishments owned by younger firms. Hence the pattern for young businesses is one of “up or out,” with rapid net growth for survivors balanced by a high exit rate.” An interesting statistic and one which I personally discovered while researching a book.

One of the very sad facts that is more correct than not, is that California as a state has gone from one of the leaders in entrepreneurial creation, to the bottom-until recently. Using Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data, which is highly focused and accurate, California between 2009 and 2010 went from first to next to worst among states for opening new business establishments. In 2009, California had 12,529 new business establishments and in 2010, it lost 4,632 establishments. Only Michigan was worse, losing 5,480.

How sad is that?

BUT the good news is that things improved significantly in 2011 as of a recent Kaufmann report and California has gone back to second place, with just Arizona ahead.

“The Great Recession has pushed many individuals into business ownership due to high unemployment rates,” said Robert Litan, vice president of research and policy at the Kauffman Foundation. He added that economic uncertainty has made these start-up entrepreneurs more cautious so they are starting firms with no employees. “This ‘jobless entrepreneurship’ trend negatively effects job creation and the larger economic recovery.”

So the question is raised, “Are entrepreneurs born or are they made?” Traditionally they are more genetically driven than “needs” driven, but this never-ending recession (statistics be damned, we still have it) are “forcing” many to go the self-employment route.

As a highly unemployable entrepreneur I applaud all that take that plunge, whether by genetic predisposition or necessity. The only caveats: seek knowledge first, find a mentor, and collaborate with anyone that can support your venture.

If you like this train of though let me know and we’ll explore the process of how to create a successf

The EQ & IQ For Business Creation – 6 Key Essentials

Everybody has the potential to start a business, regardless of size. A small shopping mall cart stall is a business, and so is Microsoft. Hence, possessing the skills to create and grow your business irrespective of size, is the first step towards business creation.

Let us define the terms EQ & IQ of Business Creation in slightly greater detail. EQ of Business Creation refers to the innate abilities and discernment to “sniff” out the trends as well as the entrepreneurial inclinations and motivations to want to create a business. IQ of Business Creation refers to the logical, intellectual ability to rationalize and select the best potential business opportunities and setting up business models. Often times, EQ & IQ work in tandem to achieve successful business creation and hence, we should avoid singling them out separately.

One particular issue stands prominently in the way of the EQ & IQ of Business Creation. It is the “lack of awareness” issue. Most people seem oblivious to their surroundings and the things happening around them. The operative word here is being “oblivious”. We need to step out of our comfort zone, awaken that curious mind, that ever-exploring and entrepreneurial attitude towards our world. Below are tried-and-tested approaches:

Be Aware of Micro & Mega Trends – It is important that one is aware of the business creation opportunities around us. It takes only a little effort to be fully in-tuned with the micro and macro world economic trends, political and governmental policy changes as well as potential growth areas. Watch the news and wire up locally and globally.

Read Extensively – Reading widely with a focus, largely means that you may choose to read anything you lay your hands on, like men or women’s magazines, financial & business planning, auto, sports, home décor etc.. but with a strong focus on financial, wealth and business planning materials which could help to grow on you subconsciously.

Travel & Network Widely – Network with people of all walks of life and be open to their point of views. Travel widely and learn to discover new, creative or innovative products from places and countries we travel to. Many new and successful small businesses start from an imported product or service idea overseas. Check out the “tamagouchi” success story and you will know what I mean.

Keep an open-mind and do not discriminate against any race, as you never know who could light up your business ideas. There is a Chinese saying “Regardless whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it catches the rat, it is a good cat!”

Be Bossed & Feel Good about it – Be bossed and be glad about it. Get a permanent, good-paying, salaried job. It really does not matter if the job is boring or the tasks are too simple. You make the job and you make the tasks. Be innovative on the job, think outside the box and take the tasks to a different level if you have to.

Be Your Own Boss – And in your spare time outside of salaried work, learn to explore potential business opportunities. Transform your hobby into a business, as your interest will spur you on with so much more conviction to make it a success. You would genuinely want to share the joys and satisfaction of your hobby with others. If you are a coca-cola bottle collector, set up a website about your collection, an auction site and share the joy… you might even start the largest collectible auction site ever! Or import a foreign product/service idea which you chance upon during your traveling which you think are potential money makers.

Start looking at your world from a whole new perspective, dare to step out of your comfort zones and embark upon a more rewarding business-seeking adventure.

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